Dubai is growing into one of the world’s most well known travel destinations. With this comes the insurmountable competition between rival resorts and hotels in the pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction. It is this pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction that brings an establishment’s operational management to the forefront of an executives mind. This report has been compiled to analyse Wendy and David’s experience at The Creek Hotel in Dubai in order to identify possible issues relating to the management of operations, and present possible solutions to the issues identified by using the appropriate theoretical framework. The report will then conclude by summarising the recommendations made throughout the paper and introduce the steps of implementation. 2.0 Operational Design Choices
“The way in which goods and services, and the ‘processes’ that create and support them, are designed and managed can make the difference between a delightful or unhappy customer experience” (Collier & Evans, 2008). These processes are governed by two main theories which directly relate to the underlying issues of The Creek Hotel – its customer benefits package and value chain.
2.1 Customer Benefit Package
A customer benefit package (CBP) is a “clear and defined group of tangible and intangible features that the customer recognises, pays for, uses or experiences” (Collier & Evans, 2008). The package is centred around a primary good or service which is then encompassed with numerous peripheral goods or services which serve only to enhance the primary good or service. Essentially the CBP establishes the key aspects of the good or service which provides employees and customer’s the knowledge of what to expect when dealing with it therefore acting as somewhat of a safeguard against customer dissatisfaction. As diagram 1 above shows, the CBP must be equal to or above the customer’s needs and satisfactions in order to be successful.
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