The article by Albert A. Bartlett speaks of an entire world that has gone from being frugal, conscious, and prudent, to being greedy, and capitalism driven. In his article he talks about the finite resources of our world that we are squandering; using them carelessly and greedily to reach optimum levels of consumption and profit with no fear that one day they will run out.
One of the major issues he looks at is population growth, and the impact it will have on our finite resources. He calls this Exponential Growth, and advises that this is at the heart of our energy crisis. One of the biggest problems here is that we as a population are not restraining ourselves in our use of these resources, we are not showing temperance. “Everything in moderation” is not a saying that the big energy firms want to hear, as the more we use the biggest the profits are for them. However, if we do not start moderating our use, there will soon be nothing left for us to use.
Without temperance we cannot have prudence. If we continue to use these resources in such a vast manor with little or no reflection on the environment, then we definitely don’t have a world full of wise, practical decision makers. Without prudence to help us gain knowledge, reasoning to help us making the right decisions, and command to help us act on our decisions then how are we ever going to turn this around? Prudence also holds within it foresight, or the ability to look ahead. When it comes to the world energy crises, I think we have lived without foresight for far too long!
Another aspect is the golden rule. “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Are we treating our future generations properly? If we leave them with a planet void of all resources, mined and polluted to no end, and no real plan for the conservation of the planet is that fair? Is that giving our future generation what is their due? I don’t think so. I think