The purpose of this document is to describe and explain various issues related to mango tree management. An attempt is made here to present the reader with the principles behind mango tree management and to build a conceptual framework for developing a tree management system for mango cultivation so that a mango grower can himself/herself devise a management system for his/her orchard taking into account the conditions of the orchard site and resources available for his enterprise.
This document briefly covers the basic aspects in mango management from site selection and land preparation to variety selection, planting, caring young and then bearing trees, pruning, training and finally a brief description on plant protection aspects. Pest and disease control measures are not discussed in detail as these information are well documented elsewhere.
You are invited to read the whole document at first, however briefly, to get a broad general understanding of how the different operations come together. Then over time re-read the individual sections in greater depth for specific information.
If a scientific tree management package as detailed in this document is adopted, it may be possible for one to act to avoid the problems in the orchard rather than reacting to them after the problems come up. You and the nature need to run your orchar d rather than allow the orchard to run you. To do this, it is imperative to understand the whole issue of tree management and how each small bit of information on management aspects meshes together. Then the mango cultivation will become a pleasure and a relaxation instead of a drudgery.
The author gratefully acknowledge Dr. S.B.D.G. Jayawardena, Director, Horticulture Research and Development Institute, for his encouragement and guidance extended to him during the preparation of this document. He wishes to extend his appreciation to Mr. Y.P. de Silva for providing with him a lap top computer for word