The chosen target audience of this Development Communication Project will be the Manila Boys Town Complex 100 wards, with an age bracket ranging from 10-16 years old. They will be the primary audience of the development campaign for they are the ones who needed most of our helping hands.
It is important that researchers use adequate assessment procedures when acquiring enough knowledge regarding the matters that they need to pay attention to and this became possible through the Benchmark Survey that has been conducted beforehand, the researchers have determined the important and specific programs to be conducted on their development campaign. With the use of the Benchmark Survey, the researchers came to figure out all the important details and aspects that are crucial for the success of the development campaign like the time preference (when the campaign should be held), on what particular days and the like. It was found out that the wards prefer to have a Leadership Program, Christian Living Discussion and a Performing Arts Workshop and this was based on the majority of answers. Likewise, the wards prefer the afternoon schedule on the days of weekends and Mondays. These findings helped the researchers in having a clearer view on matters answering the What Who When Where and How.
In generality, the researchers can say that the campaign was a