Does your country have individual manners? Or do they have universal manners? I think there are individual good manners, and there are also universal good manners. For example, lots of countries say please and thank you, and also shake hands when they greet someone.
In America, for table manners, they don’t slurp on the table and it is because it sounds bad. They also do not put their elbows on the table. Also, they shouldn’t put phones or other distracting things on the table. In Korea, they shouldn’t eat until the adults eat first because it is not good manners if you eat all of the food even though the adults have eaten anything and you shouldn’t leave food because leaving food means that you didn’t enjoy the food. In America, they say ‘bless you’ after someone sneezes and say ‘excuse me’ after you burp or fart. The reason why they say ‘bless you’ is because sneezing means that they might have a cold and they are blessing them by saying ‘bless you’. They also hold the door open for the next person who is coming in.
In Korea, people bow to adults to greet them and if you do not bow, the adults might think you are rude. They also have to say honorific words to grown-ups and it is very rude to say non-honorific words to them. Also, when you are trying to give a grown-up something, you have to give it with both hands because it means honor to give something with both hands. In Korea, they shouldn’t eat until the adults eat first because it is not good manners if you eat all of the food even though the adults have eaten anything and you shouldn’t leave food because leaving food means that you didn’t enjoy the food. I think Koreans respect adults and Americans respect strangers. There not might be universal manners because a country’s manner can be popular and become universal manners. These were individual and universal good