When countries began the oceanic trade, their livelihoods became enhanced. They were able to make more money and live more independently. Countries were able to buy or trade their own countries materials and products with other countries. This opened the avenue for friendly relations with those outside countries.
The oceanic system not only opened up trade between nations, it also opened up the ability to conquer new lands and expand. Countries
were able to work together and create alliances that would protect the including nations from other countries. This allowed the countries to freely transact business matters.
This system of commerce is one of the most efficient in the field of business. No matter where the countries lie geographically, once one establishes the location points, this route can often take the form of a triangle. Once the triangular relationship is firmly established and is
Sulfridge, Hannah ~ Page 2 consistent in the way of business matters, it begans a repetive cycle of commerce.