
Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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Marijuana Persuasive Speech
Thesis: Although recreational marijuana is illegal in several countries throughout the U.S, controlled medical uses of marijuana has been linked to many positive outcomes with different diseases and health issues.


I. Attention: Many have their own opinions about marijuana, whether negative or positive. But not many stop and think or learn about how beneficial Marijuana can be in a medical way.
II. Reveal & Relate Topic: Now, I do not condone the abuse of any drug but I do believe that not everything is just black and white, there are some grey areas. Researchers have verified a great amount of benefits from Marijuana for patients who may have illnesses or medical conditions in the United States.
III. Credibility: According to
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Preview: Today’s goal is not to manipulate you but to persuade you with facts of the history of marijuana, what is it, how it is used and why it can be medicinally beneficial with example of cases.


Main Point 1: Marijuana, also known as weed, Mary Jane, pot or even bud, is a greenish-gray colored mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa, the hemp plant.

a. Sub Point 1: This psychoactive drug is known for getting people, what they call, “high”.
b. Sub Point 2: Marijuana is known for causing hallucinations, feelings of high anxiety and exhilaration and sometime even calming a person down.
c. Sub Point 3: Never mind the bad reputation given to marijuana, research has validated that it has become a great source of relief for the sick, the terminally ill and some who suffer from mental disorders like depression or bipolar disorder.

To many users there is a whole art to smoking, what they use, how they do it ad how much they consume to their liking.

Main Point 2: This drug can be used in various ways, which ever the user prefers.
a. Sub Point 1: Some marijuana users smoke the drug in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints, they may also use pipes, also known as bongs, and/or marijuana cigars which are called
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Main Point 3: Marijuana is used in a medical sense for many cases. Sanjay Gupta’s Weed 2 documentary on CNN, which can also be found on, had shed some light on a case where a child with an illness had to lean onto medicinal marijuana to help her.
a. Sub Point 1: Two-year-old Vivian Wilson, lived in New Jersey with her parents and older sister. She had an epilepsy disorder which caused her have numerous amounts of seizures in a day which brought her closer and closer to death everyday.
b. Sub Point 2: In order to stop her seizure, they would have to inject her in the nose with an anti-seizure medicine which can be very hard and then apply an oxygen mask on her just incase the anti seizure drug stops her breathing.
c. Sub Point 3: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson knew medical marijuana could greatly help Vivian, by cutting down the number of seizures day by day and eventually not having any at all.
d. Sub Point 4: Only issue was, marijuana was illegal in New Jersey which led the family to chose between letting Vivian keep having her seizures or move to Colorado to help

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