The report studies the market for the Axe range of Deodorants in India. Axe, a brand marketed by M/S. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL) in India, holds the market leader position in the nascent Indian deodorant industry. Though general information regarding market, image positioning etc. will cater to the complete Axe line of deodorants, product specifics will be restricted to the bodyspray segment alone.
The report starts with an overview of the Indian market for Deodorants over the last 4-5 years, with relevant supporting quantitative information. The overview also projects market performance and potential for the next 5-6 years.
We then identify the multiple segments that make up this market for deodorants using relevant criteria that will involve the demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics of the consumers. Segmentation will yield us a plethora of segment combinations. Among these segments, we will analyse only those in which Axe is active because of the best opportunities available. These are called ‘Target Segments’ and the process is called Targeting. Specific reasons for the targeting become clearer once we appreciate the image that Axe carries and the specific value proposition it conveys to its target consumer, or, in other words the brand Positioning for Axe. Thus, the STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) model described above helps us comprehend the marketing process for Axe at a much more granular level.
In the background of the observed target market scenario for Axe, we start with the analysis of the offering by analysing each of the following solution entities:
Ø The Product Offering
Ø Price
Ø Place
Ø Promotions Used
The above model, also popularly known as the 4Ps approach, is used to analyse the marketing tools that HUL uses for influencing consumer-buying behaviour.
The SWOT analysis that follows highlights and analyses the various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats for in the market for Axe