The market of our business is very big, as we sell via Internet. Everybody around the world is able to visit our homepage. This is one the one side a great chance and opportunity for us to become well known. But on the other side, there are several competitors which can be found on the internet. But I will talk about the competitors later on.
Target group:
We want to sell our products to young women (from 16 to 40) who are highly interested in fashion and jewelry. At first, we would like to ship only within Germany. But if Ellison is profitable and has a wider publicity, we also want to ship internationally.
Expected market share:
I want to show you our expected growth of market share for ne next 2 years.
Like I told before, we have several competitors. Those can be roughly divided into two groups: The first one, which makes up the numerical higher part, represents big online stores like, or These websites sell jewellery only among a variety of offerings. That means that they do not have any extra services or knowledge in our field.
The other part is made up of our direct competitors, which are well specialised in the sale of jewellery. Online stores like or attend to the same target group like Ellison, which are young and fashion conscious.
But we want to highlight our company with special offers like free shipping, newest technology and a good customer relationship.
We´d like to explain our strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with a SWOT analysis. After it you can see, that Ellison is promising start-up company and that we can stand up to our competitors.
I´d like to start with our strength that will make us to a hopefully successful company.
We are the first E-commerce which is offering video-transmission. Everybody is able to “wear” his favorite jewelry and can see if it fits. This problem is a general problem for all