2. What marketing research was used? Marketing research was studied to understand the customer’s need to create the best product or service. According to the video, the marketing research of Marriott will able to match with the Dow chemical’s need which are about focus group, quantitative survey, hotel spending analysis and hotel directory analysis. The marketing research customizes the service program of Marriott. This program can help the seller to find the right program or marketing campaign. This program satisfy the need of business traveler especially the specially service of Marriott to provide for Dow chemical’s employee which are evaluate the result of marketing research.
3. What product line development initiatives were launched?
According to the video case, Marriott developed four-product line that was able to fit into the different business traveler’s need. “Marriott Quality Hotel” has launched the brand to target the business travelers who consider about the quality of service. The hotel will provide the high quality of service and use