Letter to Executive of Local Network
I.X. Elle
Semester Two 2010
Bentley Campus
Tutor: Novita Ikasari
Ms I.X.Elle
Director of Corporate Communications
Bayer Western Australia
GPO Box 6789
Perth WA 6001
October 2, 2010
Ms Novita Ikasari
Executive of the Australasian Local Network
PO Box 123
Bentley WA 6004
Dear Ms Ikasari
This letter contains our recommendations to the Local Network to encourage compliance with Global Compact principle one, which states “Businesses should support and respect the protection of proclaimed human rights”, and principle nine “Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies”.
At Bayer we believe in doing the right thing by our stakeholders. Bayer is a founding member of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact and has supported the ten principles since inception. We are proactive in pioneering new ideas and concepts to facilitate compliance to the principles. Our long history in many of the countries in which we operate, ensures that we are well placed to make recommendations to the Australasian Local Network.
Bayer’s support of its host communities throughout the world complies with the business practices of the Global Compact. Our performance report is available on the Bayer website and includes the extent to which human rights and environmental issues are addressed. These business policies are consistent with those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and meet the definitions outlined on the UN website under Agenda 21 (Bayer 2010). The recommendations are: 1. Introduce promotion of human rights records on product labelling. a. Consumers can make purchase choices based on their values about human rights. b. Employees in the country of origin benefit because their treatment “goes on the record”. 2. Improve
References: Bayer. 2010. (accessed September 1, 2010). The Bhopal Medical Appeal. n.d. (accessed September 2, 2010). Leonard, D, and R. McAdam. 2003. Corporate social responsibility. Quality Progress 36, no. 10, (October 1): 27-32. Proquest. (accessed September 3, 2010). International Labour Organisation. 2010. (accessed October 1, 2010). OECD. n.d. Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. (accessed October 1, 2010). Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management. n.d. (accessed October 1, 2010). United Nations. n.d. (accessed October1, 2010). United Nations Global Compact. 2010. (accessed September 1, 2010). US Chemical Safety Board. 2009. Statement from CSB Chairman John Bresland on Bayer CropScience Announcement Concerning Methyl Isocyanate. (accessed September 3, 2010).