MAR110 Study Period 4, 2010
Research Report
“Marketing’s really just selling with a posh name! What’s all this about a Marketing Concept?”
This research report aims to depict if there is any truth to the statement “Marketing is just selling with a posh name...” it also aims to illustrate the marketing concept, which refers to the second half of the statement “ .....What’s all this about the marketing concept”
In order for an organisation to be successful with its marketing activities it is crucial to understand the difference between marketing and selling along with the philosophy of marketing. Once this understanding is clear the organisation can adapt the marketing concept.
Through the use of research resources available it is made evident that many businesses do not understand the complete marketing concept and either live a short marketing life or fail altogether. That even the basic functions of marketing are misunderstood.
A company who has implemented the marketing concept efficiently is Nokia, they are referred to in the report, stating that through the adaption of the marketing concept it has to be said that it is one of the key success factors to their business.
The report concludes that marketing isn’t just a posh name for selling; in fact selling is part of the marketing component.
Executive Summary | | 2 | Introduction | | 4 | Understanding Marketing | | 5 | What is Marketing | | 5 | Selling - a component of Marketing | | 5 | What is Selling | | 5 | How is Selling and Marketing Different | | 5 | Marketing Philosophies | | 6 | The Marketing Concept | | 6 | Nokia and the use of the Marketing Concept | | 7 | Conclusion | | 8 | Recommendations | | 9 | References/ bibliography | | 10 | Appendices | | 10 |
The aim of this report is to define Marketing, outlining the