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Marketing IP 3 - Revised
Abstract This paper discusses the various distribution methods at the disposal of American Eagle Outfitters. It discusses product manufacture and how the products get from the manufacturers to the United States, and then to the American Eagle Outfitters stores. It discusses the best practices for distribution, as well as indirect vs. direct distribution. It shows the many direct and indirect ways that American Eagle Outfitters achieve this distribution model.
Clothing is desired for its style and comfort ability and this plays a large role in distribution process. The focus on fashion clothing is significant because of both its economic value and significant social functions and meaning it provides in consumers ' lives. (O’Cass, 2004) Clothing is worn most because it looks good or it is in style, and this requires it be delivered on time and in season. There are many product distribution methods at American Eagle Outfitters deposal. American Eagle Outfitters manufacturers their clothing in multiple countries throughout the world. American Eagle Outfitters then ships their clothing from these countries into the United States. American Eagle Outfitters uses independent contractors along the way both before and after entering the United States. American Eagle Outfitters then uses its own store to sell the clothing to the end customer.
Overview of Distribution Channels
American Eagle’s product manufacturing in multiple countries means that there is a need for a multi-channel distribution process. Every country is unique and therefore requires minor modifications to maximize efficiency in the distribution process. Some factories are near the ocean and can load merchandise directly onto container ships for shipment to the United States. Other factories are more inland and required truck shipment to the nearest ports to allow for the merchandise to then be loaded onto container ships so they
References: Kerin. Hartle. Rudelius. (2013) Marketing, 11th Edition. Pg. 358. O 'Cass, Aron. European Journal of Marketing38. 7 (2004): 869-882.