Precis #2 Marketing Myopia
The author tells us that an industry starts with the customers and his needs, not by its raw materials, patent or selling skill. A competitive marketer forecasts the future existence of the company to the public not by its long years of operation, not by its company image, nor its ability to conduct tiring and expensive researches and test on its product. But its ability to forecast the future demand of the population and lining the company product and services accordingly to what the public needs.
Marketing myopia generally deals with the inability of the company to focus on its consumer’s needs and the inability of the executives to focus generally on the ability of the marketer to unfold what really the market needs. Often on the article, important key subject was dealt minimally. It was termed as “stepchild treatment”. Whereas those subject that was given minimal attention is generally if not the most, is important in making simple, and wide range of decision in order for the company to continue its operations and survive many years of generation by providing product or services to the needy public. Often organization cloud their vision towards making the sales by focusing on making their product available, mass production and making their product different from its competitor without noticing that they go beyond their way, that the real essence of selling is giving importance on the ability of the marketer to know what the population demands, not what the owners nor the executives want their product to look like in the public and in the eyes of their competitor/s.
Often times several company conducts different researches on how to make their product last for a decade, that is the focus of the technical side to give importance on the ability of the product to stand for long years of performance, but to make the customer need the product for a decade is the side and responsibility relying in the hands