Marketing Plan Outline
1. Organizational overview
a. Name of organization
b. Mission statement - organization’s basic values and philosophy
a. Geographic location
b. Product mix
1) Single product
2) Product line(s)
1. New product description
2. SWOTT analysis
a. Strengths (internal)
b. Weaknesses (internal)
c. Opportunities (external)
d. Threats (external)
e. Trends (external)
3. Marketing research
a. Consumer analysis
1) Demographics
2) Psychographics
3) Behaviors (e.g. purchase behaviors)
4) Geographical considerations
b. Industrial analysis, if applicable
1) Competitor Analysis
4. Segmentation
a. Criteria
b. Target market(s)
5. Differentiation and positioning
6. Stage of the product life cycle
7. Marketing mix
a. Product/service
1) Type - good, service, idea, etc.
2) Features - how will it be different from the competition?
3) Identification - brand name, label, and packaging
4) Production method/delivery of service
b. Price
1) Pricing strategy
a) Profit-oriented
b) Sales-oriented
c) Status quo
c. Place
1) Channels of distribution - manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer
2) Product location availability
3) Physical distribution/location of facilities/modes of transportation
4) Cost
a) Production
b) Distribution
c) Overhead
d) Sales
e) Marketing
5) Markup
6) Suggested selling price
7) Profit margin
8) Price and quality relationship - perceived value
d. Promotion
1) Personal selling
2) Advertising
a) Direct mail
b) Internet
c) Telemarketing
d) Television
e) Radio
f) Others
3) Sales promotion - sale prices, discounts, coupons, contests, sweepstakes, tradeshows, etc.
4) Public relations
5) Web site
8. Budget
9. Control/monitor
a. Feedback mechanism to monitor progress
b. Evaluation process
c. Performance objectives (quantifiable elements)
1) Profit margin
2) Market share
3) Promotional effectiveness
4) Market