Executive summary
This marketing report for Whitcoulls calculates the businesses present situation by examining the threats, weaknesses, strengths and the macro environment. The analysis of these factors displayed that the opportunities Whitcoulls has would change the image, quality, and market the business currently has. With over 50 stores nationwide and 130 years experience, Whitcoulls has a firm understanding of their market and their competitors. With this knowledge Whitcoulls are able to create a range of products that suit the needs of their diverse target market, which therefore increases their market share in the book industry. A large percentage of Whitcoulls cliental are made up from the low to middle population scale. This is largely due to Whitcoulls efforts to ensure their products of high quality are affordable through sales. The main recommendation for the future of this business is to create a more positive media image, rebuild in Christchurch, expand its partnerships, and stock more NZ made merchandise. The main affects that have taken their toll on Whitcoulls is the Christchurch earthquake, the recession, the business nearly facing liquidation and the ever changing trends consumers go through. Findings from the TWOS analysis clearly showed that while Whitcoulls does not have partnerships that are as extensive as Paper Plus and they are not as technologically advanced they do however have a longer history in New Zealand and are still recognized as a trusted store.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Situational Analysis ………………………………………………………………………........ 4 Economic ……………………………………… 4 Socio-cultural …………………………………. 4 Technological …………………………………. 5 Environmental …………………………………. 5
Market Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Competitor Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………. 7 Competitors
References: Facebook, W. (2012). Whitcoulls. Retrieved from Facebook.com: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Whitcoulls/116547828374834 Hinckely, D Massey, H. (2012, June 15). Retrieved from The galaxy Express: http://www.thegalaxyexpress.net/2012/06/when-mind-blowing-sex-isnt-enough.html Ministry of Economic Development Paper Plus. (2012). New Zealand 's only Book and Stationery store with Fly Buys! Retrieved from Paper Plus: http://www.paperplus.co.nz/fly-buys Paper Plus Group Plunket. (2012). Whitcoulls. Retrieved from Plunket: http://www.plunket.org.nz/help-us-today/your-business-and-plunket/our-sponsors-and-business-partners/whitcoulls/ Scherer, K Scott, D. (2011). Three ChCh Whitcoulls stores to close. Retrieved from The Press.co.nz: http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/business/5063429/Three-ChCh-Whitcoulls-stores-to-close Statistics NZ Statistics NZ. (2008). Household Labour Force Survey. Retrieved from Statistics New Zealand: http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/income-and-work/employment_and_unemployment/HouseholdLabourForceSurvey_HOTPDec08qtr-revised/Commentary.aspx Take Note Whitcoulls. (2012). Whitcoulls/History. Retrieved from Whitcoulls: http://www.whitcoulls.co.nz/history Solomon, M., Charbonneau, J., Hughes, A., Chitty, B., Marshall, G