Shri G S Grover Director (C &M), BSNL.
Shri N K Srivastava CGM ALTTC Ghaziabad.
Shri Sunil Kumar DDG Marketing BSNL CO.
This article deals with the miracle shared vision can do to the organization. Vision concept and philosophy at an individual as well as organization level has been discussed. It also covers importance and driving force of vision in Marketing strategies, Selling, Business Development, Market share etc. Various marketing trends have been mentioned. It is an effort to share vision with one and all.
1. Introduction.
Our visions begin with our desires.
- Audre Lorde
We all have some visions of ourselves and our future, and that vision creates consequences. More than any other factor, vision affects the choices we make and the way we spend our time.
Visions drive consequences.
Principles drive results.
Key is to base vision on principles.
- Stephen R Covey.
It is true for individuals as well as organizations. The strongest form of vision / motivation is to base vision on “What Legacy we want to leave.” And to achieve it we must take a principled centered path. History is full of examples that many organizations have vanished grown and vanished overnight as their path to achieve vision was not based on principled way.
Vision of the organization can only be translated into reality, if it is shared by one and all. The best way to implement is to involve them in formulation. But even if it is conceived by higher management then it has to be explained to each and every individual of the