Vistakon has created a daily disposable lens at a time when the market for disposable lenses is declining and the market for frequent replacements is growing (see Figure 1). It must identify the target consumer segment(s) that benefit most from its primary differentiators and solidify its positioning and pricing strategies for national launch. For part-time users, Vistakon has the unique capacity to provide the most comfortable and convenient 1-day disposable lenses in mass market volumes at the lowest price. Vistakon should 1) target part-time users of contacts who Vistakon is uniquely positioned to serve, 2) position 1 Day Acuvue around the primary unmet needs of this segment, convenience and comfort, and 3) implement penetration pricing in a progressive regional rollout to test price sensitivity and product diffusion prior to a full national rollout.
I. Vistakon Should Target the Part-Time User Segment with Positioning Around Comfort and Convenience
While traditional analysis of the vision correction market does not segment part-time from full-time users of contact lenses, there is strong evidence that part-time users represent a large and growing segment of the population (64% of patients during the Western Rollout wore contacts less than 7x per week and 18% were “dropouts”). This segment represents a great profit opportunity for Vistakon because part-time users place great value on convenience and comfort, the two primary benefits of 1 Day Acuvue. These needs are currently underserved in the corrective lens market (see Figure 2). One Day Acuvue lenses are far more convenient than other contact lenses for many reasons including: no cleaning or maintenance, minimal financial risk from rips or tears, and flexibility to be worn whenever the consumer wants, such as when traveling or playing sports. The product is more comfortable than competitive products because its proprietary soft molding manufacturing process makes the