First of all I’m going to talk about what I think commitment is. The word commitment can be described in different ways. Commitment can be a promise or an oath. Commitment can also be an engagement or involvement. Many people think that the word commitment refers to a relationship or goal. These are correct but commitment means so much more. I feel that commitment is a choice to be constant with a certain goal. I get my commitment with a support system to keep me striving for the best and accomplishing my goals. Without the support I think it would be quite hard for me to be fully committed. In order for me to stay and get committed is to work really hard at what I do and have the people that are close to be support what I’m doing and not let me fall and hit the ground. Having a support system is really important and takes you far in life.
Commitment can be a way to describe marriage. Marriage commitment is when two people strive together to achieve on a day-to-day basis. The commitment is to ensure the continued growth of each other and the relationship. When a couple gets married, they should have the special commitment to one another. When you commit you are agreeing to be considerate. You are agreeing to take full responsibility and integrity. You are sharing your life with your significant other. You are assisting them in personal growth development and happiness. For example, when you recite your wedding vows, you are committing to your soul to your significant other. I assume that’s what should happen even though I’m not married. I feel that it is wrong for someone to get married and never expect to commit because that’s what marriage is about. Love is a big form of commitment. If you love someone you will commit to them no matter what happens in life. My parents are 20 years strong and I can see them going 20 plus more in the future.
Commitment can also be