There are array of Marriage Family therapy model approaches which has different objective in each application within each model. Each model is specifically designed to target the problems effectively for achieving the ultimate results. Throughout this course I have learned different models concepts and there approaches. In learning the different models in this course, I have discovered that there are a couple of models that probably suit my personal style.
I had the assumption that solution-focus brief therapy model was my personal style, but after learning other models approaches I believe there other therapy models that can fit my personal style. One of the main reason why I had chosen solution-focus brief therapy model is because it help the client to focus on solution to overcome issues and to move toward having positive results. The solution-focus concepts is geared toward a positive and …show more content…
One of the model I believe that suit me is the structural family therapy. Because its aim is to restructure the family system by realigning boundaries and other components to promote positive growth and resolve issues. This model focuses on strengths, not viewing families being dysfunctional but people who needs help in expanding their method of interaction pattern, to adjust to their ever-changing developmental and contextual demand (Gehart, 2014, p.125).
Another model I believe would suit my personal style is experiential family therapy models. One of the Satir human growth model because it focuses on family communication using warmth and support. Also, experiential family therapy focuses more on the affective or the emotional layer in the same interactions while attending to the client behavior as well as the cognition (Gehart, 2014, p.165). I think there are other evidence-based approach which line up with my personal style these are just