This statement suggests that the tradition Christian idea of marriage has become old-fashioned because of the differences in modern relationships.
A traditional Christian would disagree with this statement since they consider marriage an important part of life. They believe that marriage is a gift from God because he intended men and women to live together and that within a marriage men and women should support one another and be faithful. Christians believe that marriage is for bringing up children and the Christian Church believes it us a sin for people to have sexual relations with each other unless they are married. In the Book of Common Prayer (1962) it stated that one of the purposes of marriage was: “a remedy against sin, and to avoid fornication.” This passage suggests that marriage should only take place when people cannot manage to live celibate lives (not have sexual relations.)
A modern Christian, however, like many Atheist, might agree with this statement because of modern homosexual mar-riage. On 5 December 2005 civil partnerships became legal in the UK, which gave the same legal status as married heterosexual couples and as of 2014, gay marriage has now become legal. Over the years the attitude of the Christian Church has changed and many Christians would say that homosexual feelings are acceptable because the person can do nothing about them. Traditional Christians, on the other hand, say that homosexual activity is always a sin and live by this traditional view interpreted from the bible.
Nowadays not all Christians abide by the rule of not having sex before marriage and therefore would consider that marriage is outdated. Due to development in technology it is now possible for homosexual couples to have children and there are now couples with children before having been married. Nevertheless in research in 2011 Physiologists found that could who waited until after their wedding night rated the