The Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs was originally developed by the Psychologist Abraham Maslow; his theory basically describes the stages of the human needs which he explained through in his paper "A Theory of Human Motivation".
The first and most important need for a person is physiological: these are the physical requirements for human survival, without these requirements the human body could not function properly. These are the most important needs to fulfill and should be met first. Some examples of physiological needs are: water, food, sleep, sex, breathing, excretion and homeostasis.
One product that would satisfy this need would be Dasani, bottled water which is a product of the largely Coca-Cola Company. This product satisfies the basic need of thirst providing the consumers bottled water. Coca-Cola Company introduced Dasani water in new bottles made of more plant based materials. This made more people consume Dasani water because bottles were friendly with fixed recycling plants and represent a reduction in carbon releases when related to their competitor’s bottles. This product is marketed as an aid to satisfy thirst as a purified drinking water beverage. It has lots of advertisement and it’s positioned in almost every single dispenser or market as Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest drinking companies in the world.
The second need is Safety: after the physical need, the next need to satisfy is safety. People need to feel safe in many ways such as security, shelter and protection. Examples of safety needs are: insurance, alarm systems, retirement and investments.
A product that will satisfy the need of security is insurance, the State Farm Group Insurance; this company provides different types of insurance and financial service programs. One of the important insurance that they offer is of Life and health; this insurance makes people secure by providing protection and health for one only or more people.
References: Maslow, A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370–96. Retrieved from Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York, NY: Harper. pp. 91-92. Solomon, M. Consumer behavior buying, having and being. (10 ed., pp. 127-129). Pearson. McLeod, S. A. (2007). Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from