Maslow’ hierarchy
In your DB where you were talking about Maslow’ hierarchy ladder of needs where the previous foundations that we suppose to base our lives on or motivate us to keep going, I believe his foundation is faulty. He doesn’t seem to me that he has a balanced foundation. He tells us that we are in need first of food, water, air and shelter. I understand that when we are born our parents meet all of our basic needs for these things. I believe like you that if the foundation isn’t safe the person will flounder in his or her life. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 CORINTHIANS 3:11) As our parents are meeting our basic needs we have it made. Then when we are pushed out into the world we need a good foundation like Jesus to fall back on before we lose everything. Sure we might have these essential needs but we still fell lost and alone. We need to feel wanted and love. If we don’t watch out we will end up somewhere we don’t want to. “In Romans 12, the apostle Paul writes about psychological concepts that go farther than what Abraham Maslow presents in his work on “The Hierarchy of Needs.” While Maslow’s work is admirable, his thesis which from the bottom up starts with the physiological, the human need for safety or taking risks, then steps up to belonging and love needs, esteem and at the highest need, self-actualization, he misses the Biblical concept of self-decreasing and Christ increasing in the lives of believers. The concept of growing in faith is really the concept of growing as humans. The catalyst is the transformation process which is akin to Maslow’s theory yet Maslow is missing the Biblical precepts and God’s purpose in building a strong Body!”(Beattie, R. 2006). I like where you were talking about a person that has their whole life in such things as the stock market and then it crashes and he is left with nothing. I believe that if he had Jesus, his whole life would not be all about material things.
References: Evangelical psychology and editing maslow. Retrieved from
Daniel , G. (1985). holy bible, new international version. (Vol. Jonah, p. 1_2). Zondervan.