1 Introduction to Philosophy and Education
1.1 Philosophy: Meaning and Scope
1.2 Philosophy of Education: Meaning and Scope
1.3 Historical development of philosophy in the field of Education
2 Aspects of Philosophy
2.1 Areas of Philosophy
2.1.1 Ontology
2.1.2 Epistemology
2.1.3 Axiology
2.2 Styles of Philosophy
2.2.1 Speculative
2.2.2 Prescriptive
2.2.3 Analytic
3 Philosophy and Science
4 Philosophy and Religion
5 General Philosophies and their Educational Implications
5.1 Idealism
5.2 Realism
5.3 Pragmatism
5.4 Existentialism
6 Educational Philosophies
6.1 Perennialism
6.2 Essentialism
6.3 Progressivism
6.4 Reconstructionism
7 Islamic Philosophy of Education
7.1 Philosophical bases
7.2 Process of education
7.3 Muslim philosophers
7.4 Islamic philosophy of education
Recommended Books
Brubacher, J. S. (2001). Modern Philosophies of Education. New York: McGraw Hill
Butler, J. D. (1988). Four Philosophies and their Practice in Education and Religion.
New York: Harper & Row
Ahmad, K. (1992). Principles of Islamic Education. Lahore: Islamic Publication Ltd.
Kneller, G. F. (1981). Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: John
Wiley & Sons
Knight, G. R. (1989). Educational Philosophy. Michigan: Andrews University Press
Rizwi, S. S. (1986). Islamic Philosophy of Education. Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture
MED602 Educational Psychology and Guidance
1 Educational Psychology – Introduction
1.1 Brief historical background
1.2 Nature and scope of educational psychology
1.3 Schools of psychology and their bearing on Education
1.3.1 Structuralism
1.3.2 Functionalism
1.3.4 Behaviorism
1.3.5 Gestalt Psychology
1.3.6 Psychoanalysis
1.3.7 Humanist Psychology
1.3.8 Transpersonal Psychology
2 Child Development
2.1 An overview of Child Development
2.2 Stages of Child Development
2.3 Principles of Child Development
3 Cognitive Development
3.1 The Brain