The research included within this paper is several online articles, periodicals, and related books to mass-media control and its psychological adaptation in an individual's mind. I also performed a media and mind control case study. I used my family for the subjects; my older sister who is a Licensed Practical Nurse (L.P.N.) and my mother who is a widow, an evangelist, and retired home nurse, for the control group, and my nephews who are fraternal twins, age thirteen for the experimental group. My observations were to observe both groups for a week during different intervals of media exposure. My nephews, the experimental group, were observed during and after watching television, using the computer, and listening to music. They were then observed when these forms of media were limited. My mother and sister, the control group, were observed during the limited periods of their television usage and listening to non-secular music. I believe there is direct correlation between adults and children who watch and listen to obsessive amounts of television, movies, news, and popular music and aggressive behavior, stress, dispositions, and sleep and eating habits. The case study observations supported this theory. Keywords: mass media, mass-media control, aggressive behavior, perceptions, adverse misconceptions, psychological adaptation, media nationalism, suggestive media
Mass Media Control Mass media can influence opinions, values and beliefs of the general public by controlling the language used to report and communicate information. Our minds, throughout life, become a playing field for the producers to influence the consumers to buy into their various services, trends, politics, and products. It was stated by Abraham Lincoln, during the Gettysburg address that "government was for the people and by the people". Was this a dream of a president that perhaps would never come