on massaging techniques focusing on specific modalities. All such programs differ in accreditation. Lots of massage therapy training programs are associated with accrediting agency or state board. There are around 300 different programs from which you can choose any one. In states which regular the courses, in order to become a massage therapist you must complete the training program from recognized school. Practice Areas Massage therapists have option to choose from eighty different types of modalities and get a specialization. Reflexology, acupressure, sports massage, tissue massage, neuromuscular massage, Swedish massage are some categories available. Most of them specialize in more than one category to learn various massaging techniques. A massage could be done for 5-10 minutes or for long duration like 2 hours. For example, massage therapist might use different techniques for an elderly patient and an athlete. Techniques followed on patients who seek relaxation is not same as patients suffering from pain and injuries. There are some massage techniques which are used for particular age group like infant massage. Job Opportunities Since massage therapy demands to demand lot of physical work, most therapists do not work on full-time basis. Usually ranging around twenty hours per week is a full-time job for therapists. Usually they have their own business or work as subcontractors for physicians, chiropractors, sports medicine doctors and physical therapy sites. And certain therapists travel around places for offering massages to their clients and even some of them visit the homes of their clients. Since people have started to understand the advantages of massage therapy, there is increasing demand for therapists and job opportunities are rising continuously. Many therapists earn minimum of 12 dollars per hour and in based on their specialties and skill sets, they could earn in range of 8-24 dollars per hour. But while developing their reputation which clients, the earnings could increase rapidly as lot of people would start referring them to their friends and neighbors. Lots of therapists make twenty percent of their annual income by getting tips from clients who are satisfied with their work. Other Employment Opportunities Since therapists could travel around easily, there is wide range of employment opportunities for them. They could be sub contractors, self-employed and have their own business and offer massages in the home of the clients. They can start working as Physical therapists. Apart from offering physical relaxation and faster recovery time, massage therapy also helps in emotional caring of patients. Hence doctors have started to suggest massage therapy for most patients. It is useful for old age people to improve their energy levels and avoid health frequent problems. Also massage therapists could learn various modalities and update themselves with latest techniques. This gives them lot of options to work on different jobs. For another interesting health career, check out our Medical Assistant page.
The state of Washington provides programs in the art of massage therapy. Several schools that teach professional-massage therapy also have accreditation from the state's Board of Massage. Tri City School of Massage This school can be found in Kennewick. It has state accreditation and part of the Council of Schools for the American Massage Therapy Association. A total of 20 students can be newly enrolled every year. It's also a 570 hour program. This school sets up its students to get 80 hours of practice at local massage businesses. An array of techniques that focus on massage therapy are featured. Tri City School Of Massage 26 E. 3rd Ave. Kennewick WA 99336 509.586.6434 The Yakima Valley Body Therapy Institute One of the best private associations available is sited in the city of Yakima. The Yakima Valley Body Therapy Institute gives students the option of night and day classes. The student body is taught many procedures like hydrotherapy, Swedish massage and more. You have to partake in 150 hours of practical study while enrolled in the school in order to finish the program. Just a dozen students are allowed to attend the school at any one time. Yakima Valley Body Therapy 2807 West Washington Avenue Suite "D" Yakima, WA 98903 509.575.5574 Spokane Community College Spokane Community College is a well-known two-year college that is financially supported by the state. The school provides grants for students to cover costs associated with earning a certificate in the field of massage treatment. Students who practice massage techniques at the school must also finish training in the practice massage clinic located on campus. Spokane Community College 1810 North Greene Street Spokane, WA 99217 509.533.8698
Most massage therapists are self-employed freelance agents in the health management and pain management industries.
Still, some do find employment in any number of institutions. Chiropractors offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and spas, just to name a few, all employ professionally-trained massage therapists. The hardest part is nailing the job interview. Though you may have gotten in to massage therapy because of its relaxed, casual atmosphere, the majority of hospitals, salons, and other institutions are businesses and expect a certain level from their applicants. Here are some tips to help you conquer that job interview. 1) Be on time. It seems silly to reiterate it, but many applicants to professional health industry positions are eliminated simply because they did not show up or showed up late to the interview. This looks bad to the prospective employer because it projects an image of unreliability; something they desperately want to avoid. 2) Be professional. Do not be too familiar with the interviewer, but don't be too stiff either. It's okay to be yourself, but remember that this is a business relationship and the contact between you and this prospective employer should remain at all times professional. 3) Bring only a few things. You will not usually be asked to demonstrate your techniques, nor will you need everything you normally carry with you. Leave purses, backpacks, bags, and briefcases at home. Bring a small folder with some sheets of paper, a pen, and some extra copies of your necessary paperwork. That is all you will need, ever. 4) Make eye contact and give a firm handshake. Some people have a hard time looking other people in the eye, but a technique to overcome that is to look at a person's eyebrows or the bridge of their nose, or similar. Most interviewers automatically disqualify many applicants just because they seemed overly nervous and would not meet their eye. As for handshakes, both men and women should have a firm, but not crushing,
grip when shaking the hands of whomever is meeting you. 5) Keep it simple. If you are asked questions, try to be as brief and to the point as possible. Long stories make the attention of the interviewer wander or make them think you are making things up as you go along. Relax, be friendly and talkative, but not overly verbose. 6) Follow up your interview. A day or so after your interview, you should send a thank you card. A plain, simple design and a very simple message along the lines of why you liked the company and that you can not wait to work for them, as well as contact information, will go a long way toward making the interviewer remember you; this gesture alone may bump you up a notch or two in their eyes. Also, if you are thinking that as a freelance massage therapist, you won't have to do these things, think again. Most massage therapists find their work through referrals. How else do you get referrals than talking to the professionals who do the referring?