I've just written a draft of study objective. Could you please have a look at it? I was supposed to be speciic about my goal of receiving a master degree in US, about my academic and professional activities (I think I haven't covered it sufficiently and will return to this point tomorrow), about my plans for future. thank you! Here is the letter -
I'm applying for *** Master's program. I'd like to pursue a Mater degree in the field of education.
While completing my bachelor degree in linguistics at *** University I received an additional two-year specialisation in educational management. During the past year I studied globalisation at Master program "***" at the same university. The emphasis of my studies was the globalisation in education and science. I'm doing a comparative research in Russian and Romanian university education reforms. I'm specifically interested in institutionalization of two cycle University education, in introduction of Bachelor and Master degrees in Russia. My future plan is to have an in-depth research in Master program organisation. But first I'd like to obtain a Master degree in education, so that be able to carry out that research and to become more competent and informed in modern theoretical and empirical developments in the sphere of educational studies. So I've decided to apply for *** Master program, because I consider a Master degree in education as a bridge between my past educational experience and my future research plans and career aspirations. I'm attracted by the possibility to participate in the *** program, as it's a model undertaking promoting globalisation in education and science.
My feasible study objective is to obtain theoretical as well as practical knowledge and understanding in educational management, particularly in the field of Master degree program administration. As a component of my education I'd like to do a comparative research in curricular development in Master programs. I'm intending first to examine theoretically official regulations for curricular development in Russia and in US, to look into compatibility of the two degrees and approaches to curriculum formation. Then I'd like to select a few master program in Russia and to compare the practises in curriculum development to corresponding US programs. My research question would be to what extent US practises in curricular development are applicable to newly established Master programs in Russia. I believe that the findings of my research will enable me to see the practical application of curriculum studies and will facilitate my further work in that field.
I've specifically opted for receiving a Master degree in United States, because US has a long established system of Bachelor and Master degrees, while Russia has introduced pilot projects 16 years ago and has officially established the two-level University education by federal law in October 2007. Russian system of university education is in the process of transition, in many cases old practises are still followed in the process of establishment of new degrees and development of their curriculum. So I regard a possibility of earning a Master degree in a country with long history of such programs as a chance to conduct a participant observation of full-fledged Master degree and to see where Russian system of education is heading on.
The second reason for my willingness to complete training in US is the fact that curricular studies, educational management and international educational development studies are established disciplines taught in numerous programs in a variety of universities, many researchers work in that field, the outcomes of their findings are applied and further tested in educational institutions. I feel that Russia is lacking specialists in educational management. When deciding one year ago where to make my Master degree I haven't fount appropriate program in Russian universities. I feel that specialists in educational management as in an interdisciplinary field of study (not in education or in management discretely) are much needed for successful implementation of university reform in Russia. I'd dream to become one of such specialists. Nowadays I'm witnessing a trend of establishing more and more interdisciplinary Master programs in Russian universities and I'd like to be engaged in creation of special program for future education managers.
As highlighted above I believe that obtaining a master degree in education in US will provide the necessary background for my future research in two-level university system administration and will further my career aspirations as I plan to work in the university education institutions of Russia.