"Many scientific researches have shown an obvious fact, that the behavior of a human being is created by the environment. If genes predispose a certain behavior but the environment doesn’t support it, then that behavior won’t manifest, so in this case, genes aren’t important. The two scientific Ogbu and Bronfenbrenner supports the theory of the interaction between the environment and human's behavior. Ogbu's theory is which is regarding impact effect from the general, and then specialize to the individual. Contrasting Bronfenbrenner : his theory is from individual to general. Good to know that these two theories are upholding each…
• Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to experience?…
I believe that it is flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much to experiences, because it is a rigid explanation that tries to attribute a particular proportion to each part. The key point is to recognize the complex collaboration of both nature and nurture; the environment inputs along with the genetic code play and important role on human development. As a result, each person develops different types of personalities. Besides, scientists, still have many types of challenges ahead behind human nature.…
2. Describe the method you have chosen for your process recording and your plans for making it. For example, if you choose to submit a video file, how will you record and produce this? How will you upload it and send it to your instructor? (14 points)…
The way people behave can not be genetically determined, right?! Nature and nurture are the movers and shapers, they make us what we are today, according to Harris, J. (1998)2 . Nature versus nurture is a much discussed topic, in psychology as well. There are a lot of theories about the question if we were formed by our genes or the environment where we live. Some psychologists argue that only one side has their impact like John Locke from the nature-side, while I believe it is an interaction between two of these factors, both of them have their influence on the development of that type of…
Sociologist and scientist have argued for many years over whether our behaviour is biologically determined, in our genes or whether it is socially constructed, we learn it. This is known as nature verses nurture. No one knows which one actually dictates our behaviour or if it is a combination of nature and nurture, yet sociologist would argue that 99% of our behaviour is socially constructed, is learnt throughout our lives.…
Since close to all individuals spend majority of their life as an independent making their own decisions, it is clear that the environmental factors play the larger part in the overall making of a person’s behavior. According to the Guang Guo, who has a featured online article with the University of North Carolina’s page regarding twin studies, it states that, “Genes ‘interact’ with the environment. That is, genes provide the potential for a trait, but environmental conditions determine whether that potential will be realized” (Guo, 46). The quote emphasizes how the environment is the main reason why people become who they are. Individuals are given a multitude of their parents’ genes, but not until specific environmental factors take part in these genes do they become present within that person.…
The major achievements in human history during the Old Stone Age was the invention of tools, mastery over fire, and the development in language.…
What were the most revolutionary social and economic developments of the last quarter of the nineteenth century?…
This Discussion will give you the opportunity to calculate or identify the three measures of central tendency. You will be asked to select an appropriate real life situation in which one measure would be more appropriate than the other two measures of center.…
The study of genetics has grown out of a desire to understand how exactly the individual comes to be just that, an individual different from its peers. In order to comprehend the scope of possible outcomes and how they came to be behavioral genetics looks at a number of variables; these include the impact of our genes (nature), and our environment (nurture). A countless number of hypotheses were put to the test through research to analyze the degree of influence of each. In this paper, team A will discuss the methods of behavioral genetics, the various research techniques used, their testing populations and why used, along with proposed answers and explanations.…
In conclusion, it is safe to say that the role of our genetics and the environment equal people's behavior and traits. You cannot blame either one because without one, the other wouldn’t exist. Genes effect a lot of your personality and behavior but the environment molds the way people are going to act. This will always be an ongoing controversy because it is nearly impossible to pin point accurately where the role of genes and the environment step…
The required DBQ differs from the standard essays in its emphasis on your ability to analyze and synthesize historical data and assess verbal, quantitative, or pictorial materials as historical evidence. Like the standard essays, however, the DBQ is judged on its thesis and argument.…
Over recent years the nature vs. nurture debate has been extensively discussed and researched. Should human characteristics such as intelligence, personality, behavior and ability be attributed to our genetics or our environment? One problem with this is how to pin a trait down to either an inherited or learned characteristic, or perhaps its both.…
***It is flawed to ask how much of a particular behaviour is due to genetics and how much is due to experience, because no behaviour is caused soley by gentics or experience. Nature or nuture can be a factor as well. How will we ever know what are the behaviours of genetics and what are the behaviours of expeience? I dont think thats ever possible, so I can clearly say it is flawed to say how much of a behaviour is due to genetics or experience. Diffrent people react in diffrent ways, so to say because of 'x' genetic everyone is behaving this way would be wrong.…