Dr. Rosalyn Rossignol
Eng 120: English Composition
October 21, 2013 (replace with due date)
Topic Presentation Overview: Due on the day you make your topic presentation
Outline and Works Cited page due: 11/8 (F)
Final paper due: 11/18 (M)
Assignment for Paper #3/Research Paper
Suggested Length & Formatting: 5-7 pages of text. Pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner. Do not use a separate title page. Your heading should appear as indicated above with the title centered above the text. You do not need extra space between the heading and the title, or between the title and the text. Margins should be approximately 1.5 inches all around. The last page of your paper (a separate page) should be your Works Cited page. It should be formatted like the one in SMG, pp. 737-738. Please note that entries must be alphabetized and that the first line of each entry should be flush with the margin, but all successive lines should be indented 5 spaces. This is called a “hanging indent.”
Assignment: Write an essay about a concept that interests you and that you want to study further. When you have a good understanding of the concept, explain it to your readers, using definition, comparison and contrast, cause and effect and/or any other appropriate rhetorical strategies, considering carefully what your readers already know about the topic and how your essay might add to what they know. Be sure to support your explanation with specific facts and examples.
You are required to cite at least seven (7) sources. Two (2) of these may be approved websites and four (4) must be articles originally published in a reputable magazine, newspaper or peer-edited journal. Use the library’s online databases to find such articles. A handout posted on Bb under Content explains how to do this, and we will have a day in the computer lab, or classroom, where I walk you through the process. Please note that, without an individual