English 101: Composition and Reading
Section 7007, Spring 2015
W – 6:30-9:35pm, MSER B223, West
Instructor: Zaid Shlah shlahz@mjc.edu
Founders Hall 240A, Phone: 548-5793 Office Hrs: TTh,
Literature and Languages Arts 1:00-3:00 pm
Modesto Junior College W, 4:30-5:30 pm Prerequisite:
Satisfactory completion of ENGL 50 or qualification by MJC Assessment process.
Recommended for Success: Before enrolling in this course, students are strongly advised to satisfactorily complete READ 184.
Course Description:
(3 Units, 54.00 Lecture Hours)
This course engages students regularly in fundamental skills in reading and writing at the college level. Emphasis will be on exposition, argument, research, and inforqmation competency. Students will apply disciplined thought to language in order to comprehend and analyze college-level readings and to compose college-level essays that are coherent, detailed, and free of serious error. In their essays, students will be asked to use a variety of rhetorical support including primary and secondary research.x
Course Learning Outcomes/CLOs:
The goals for this course are to help you develop the skills necessary to write expository, analytical and argumentative essays which are clear, concise, grammatically sound and stylistically persuasive. In addition, this course will help you to interpret and evaluate texts so that you can support and validate a stated thesis or implied premise using detailed evidence. We will also focus on specific forms of essay writing such as comparison/contrast, definition and cause & effect with the aim of enhancing your rhetorical writing strategies. We will also engage in the analysis of the text through close line reading with an emphasis on becoming familiar with and understanding rhetorical strategies such as tone, context and metaphor as well as a focus on critical thinking, with the goal of helping you to read and write with a more critically
Cited: (A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 or less) Four term papers (1500 words): 35% The Corpse Washer. Sinan Antoon (Yale University Press, 2013).