Holly Mills
Ray Gless
May 4, 2015
RTI Model Jasmine Keller is a fourth grade student who has been monitored and reported as a student at-risk. Jasmine has a, “weak short-term memory that affects her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum in the areas of reading decoding, reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling, and math calculations. Her reading level is at second grade. Broken down word recognition is at an equivalent of grade 1.7, and comprehension at 1.3. She has relative strength in vocabulary. If given classroom assessments with a screen reader she is very successful. Her writing skills assessed to be uneven with only weak spelling skills, which is at a first or second grade level. Her problems in math are with computation skills. She has problems identifying basic addition and multiplication facts. She struggles with subtraction and regrouping, and cannot divide with out a calculator. With a calculator and explicit strategy instruction she has problem-solving skills typical of a fourth grade student.
Recommendation by Fourth Grade Team After analyzing Jasmine Keller's file, the fourth grade team at Davis Elementary School has referred her to the Response to Treatment (RTI) team with parental consent. The team has created a module used for all students with specific interventions for Jasmine. The primary goal is to help Jasmine get on to grade level for general instruction with a safety net of continual interventions and, if needed, special educational services. The team will exhaust all resources available before implementing Tier Four special educational services.
RTI Module for Davis Elementary School with Specifics for Jasmine Keller
Tier One All students are at tier one. They will be assessed by the teacher with classroom formative and summative assessments, along with standardized testing as required by the state based on the curriculum. Those who successfully pass the
References: Abromitis, B. (2009, March). Response to Intervention (RtI) in K-6 Classrooms Use the RtI Model to Differentiate Instruction and Improve Learning. Suite101.com, (), . Retrieved from http://barabara-abormitis.suite101.com/response-to-intervention-rti-in-k6- classrooms-a9562...Retrieved 04/12/2012. Council for Exceptional Children. (2006). Response-to-Intervention-The Promise and the Peril. Retrieved from Council for Exceptional Children, MTE562 website. Retrieved 04/12/2012. http//ww.cec.sped.org University of Phoenix. (2009). RTI student Profile. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MTE562 website. Retrieved 04/12/2012. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I am familiar with and acknowledge my responsibilities, which are part of the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student 's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Anthony Sharard Davis