|Eastern Countries |Religion |Origins & History |
| |Senses are source of knowledge |Definition of soul as level of life |
|ARISTOTLE |Man forms universals, or categories, from many perceptions of like objects |Plant Life |
|(384 – 322 B.C.) |Explains how things come into existence and provide lines of investigation to be followed in studying into the |Animal Life |
| |nature of a thing |Human Life |
| |Presents deductive reasoning based on experience as method of science and philosophy |Four Causes |
| |Ethics is concerned with individual happiness; Politics is concerned with collective happiness |Material Cause |
| |Accepting nature as a self – evident reality |Formal Cause
References: http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/east_west.html http://www.scaruffi.com/phi/spinoza.h http://www.psych.utah.edu/gordon/Classes/Psy4905Docs/PsychHistory/Cards/Eastern.html http://www.psych.utah.edu/gordon/Classes/Psy4905Docs/PsychHistory/Cards/Eastern.html http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/crosscuttings/cultures_east-west-phylosophy.html http://www.eaea.org/index.php?k=12117