A pulse serves a symbol of life and wholeness. Morning is the personification of a second chance for the deceased men and women. American history shows a timeline of unparalleled push-backs or epic defeats in Black progression for social justice. The mass murdering of innocent men and women living in the south being lynch daily,”Hosts to species long since departed”( line 2). Families of those love ones who were victimized of hate crimes are left with death “the dinosaur, who left dried tokens”(line 3).The tokens are tools passed on generation to generation. Each powerful hate crime had a price on those participated or punished for their race. The diction is a peaceful but, yet powerful allusions to the bloody battles of those that have come before President Barack
A pulse serves a symbol of life and wholeness. Morning is the personification of a second chance for the deceased men and women. American history shows a timeline of unparalleled push-backs or epic defeats in Black progression for social justice. The mass murdering of innocent men and women living in the south being lynch daily,”Hosts to species long since departed”( line 2). Families of those love ones who were victimized of hate crimes are left with death “the dinosaur, who left dried tokens”(line 3).The tokens are tools passed on generation to generation. Each powerful hate crime had a price on those participated or punished for their race. The diction is a peaceful but, yet powerful allusions to the bloody battles of those that have come before President Barack