SUBJECT CODE & NAME MB0047- Management Information System
BK ID B1968
CREDIT & MARKS 4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. In the current e-world any organisation’s massive operations are managed by various types of information systems that help them to achieve their goals of servicing their clients. This can be done by the growth of modern organization. Discuss some of the essential features of modern organisation.
Ans. a) Features of modern Organisation
1 IT-Enabled organisation
2 Networked organisation
3 Dispersed organisation
4 Knowledge organisation b) Explanation of features IT-Enabled organisation
The organisations discussed above are modern in the sense that they have built into their structure the elements of information technology (IT) that enable them to function in a manner appropriate to the demands of the environment. This is a fundamental difference between a modern organisation and its older, premodern incarnation. Tata Motors, for instance, upon its initiation in 1945 would also have put in place built-in mechanisms to respond to its environment and to function in a manner appropriate to that time.
Networked organisation
Modern organisations function in a world of digital networks in addition to the physical world that was the same for the old organisations. The organisations are linked as nodes on the network where they receive and transmit information. Remaining on the network requires sensing and responding to this fl ow of information. The digital network consists of the Internet and telecommunication networks that rely on digits (ones and zeros) to carry information across large distances. Sensing the world means frequent monitoring of the news and information that becomes available. This information is in the form of text, audio, or video. Organisations such as Tata Motors have to constantly monitor their digital