Alexandra Whittington-Jones
I, Alexandra Whittington-Jones, hereby declare that this research thesis is my own original work, that all reference sources have been accurately reported and acknowledged, and that this document has not previously, in its entirety or in part, been submitted to any University in order to obtain an academic qualification.
A. Whittington-Jones
31 January 2005
After a review of the literature relevant to performance management systems both over time and across different types of organizations, this thesis confines its research to a case study of the development and implementation of a performance management system in a non-governmental organization (NGO), the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM).
Collation of the relevant data is followed by a discussion of the development and implementation of the performance management system at the PSAM over a 5-year period from 1 June 1999 to 31 May 2004. This is considered in terms of the PSAM’s achievement of commitments to Funders and the concurrent development of the performance management system. Next an analysis of major themes that emerged from the research, in terms of important items for consideration in the development and implementation of a performance management system in an NGO, and areas for possible future improvements to the system is presented
After analyzing the relevant information, it became apparent that the performance management system has no direct bearing on the ability of the PSAM to achieve its stated commitment to Funders. However, these short-term focused expectations of the performance management system are outweighed by the positive
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