Abstract Performance management is an essential tool for a company. It creates the opportunity for the individual success of all its employees, and therefore the longevity of the company to prosper. Performance management creates a point of reference for the employee to see where they stand performance wise, and gives the employees the insight to see where they can strengthen their productivity. The following paper will highlight and demonstrate the potential and importance of performance management. Furthermore, the paper will contain a job analysis process that will further identify the skills needed by employees, methods used for measuring those skills, approach for delivering effective performance feedback, and alignment of the performance management framework.
Performance Management Plan Performance management cannot work without follow thru from all levels of an organization from the top, down to and especially the individual employee. It is based on the idea that if an employee is motivated and satisfied than an organization can effectively perform. Performance management works by measuring, evaluating, training and mentoring individual employees, teams, and even departments in order to get the maximum output from them. It is effective in small businesses and large corporation alike as long as it is implemented correctly, taking individual skills and feedback into consideration after conducting a job analysis of the employees. Afterwards the company must organize and framework a structure that upholds the company’s performance philosophy. The proceeding is a recommendation of a structure, philosophy, job analysis, methods for measuring employee skills, and how to retain feedback for Clapton Commercial Construction on performance management.
Performance Management Structure Clapton Commercial Construction needs to form framework for performance. The first
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