Student Number:
Unit Code No.:
MHC 606
Unit Title:
Business Law
Assessment No.:
01 Essay
Mr. Kristian Boehringer
Submission Date:
5th March, 2014
I have read the School’s Policy on Plagiarism and Improper Conduct and all the materials pertaining to plagiarism.
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this assessment is my own work, all sources have been properly acknowledged, and the assessment contains no plagiarism.
I further declare that I have not previously …show more content…
I tried to see the good side of a corporation having legal rights while writing this essay but found that the cons far outweigh the pros. With the corporation’s characteristics of callous unconcern for the feeling of others, its incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, the reckless disregard for the safety of others, being deceitful by repeatedly lying and conning others for profit, its incapacity to feel guilt, and failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviour, a corporations is equivalent to being a psychopath (YouTube, 2011), and giving a corporation legal rights is akin to giving this psychopath the freedom to do as he pleases. The examples mentioned in this essay are only a glimpse of how the corporation is abusing its rights in our world and will continue doing so till we are but a mere speck of dust and our world is reduced to ashes. The day corporations realise that profit is not only about earning money, but saving lives of the people, saving time and resources, and saving our world, will be the day that corporate personhood will be welcomed by …show more content…
(2014, 02 04). The Keystone XL Pipeline and its politics, explained. Retrieved from Washington Post:
Epstein, E. J. (2014, 02 27). Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? Retrieved from The Atlantic:
Pentony, B., Graw, S., Parker, D., & Whitford, K. (2013). Understanding Business Law (6th ed.). Chatswood, NSW, Australia: LexisNexis.
Schultz, J. (2000). Bolivia 's Water War Victory. Earth Island Journal (Autumn).
Shah, A. (2014, 02 11). Nigeria and Oil. Retrieved from Global Issues:
Shultz, J. (2014). The Cochabamba Water Revolt and Its Aftermath.
Wallechinsky, D. (2005, 11 23). What Is the Real Reason George Bush Invaded Iraq? Retrieved from Huffington Post:
YouTube (Director). (2011). The Corporation: What kind of person is it? Corruption Commercial Crime NWO [Motion