They break down their argument into three different components, “Some contingent beings exist. If any contingent beings exist, then a necessary being must exist. Therefore there exists a necessary being” (Pg. 70). They explain that an infinite series is evidence to prove the contingent being exists. This presents an idea that there is no final explanation to this cause. To argue the statement by some atheist that claim that the world has always existed, they say that they do not make any claims about how old the universe which explains a universe that may have always …show more content…
William Lane Craig argues in Reasonable Faith that, if life ends in a grave, that it does not matter whether someone has been a good or bad person because one’s “destiny” is not related to how a person behaves, thus someone has no motivation to live life as a good person. McCloskey argues that not believing in a God is more comforting when someone you love or yourself is going through a hard time or is suffering from a terrible disease. Rather than believing in a God who is purposely allowing the person to suffer through whatever they are going