Measles is a highly infectious illness caused by the rubeola virus. Measles is also known as rubeola or morbilli. Two hundred million people have had measles in the last one hundred - fifty years. The symptoms of measles is a cough, runny nose, or conjunctivitis. Rubeola virus is the cause of measles.
Measles have flu like symptoms and it cause a full out body rash. The rash will break out 3-5 days after symptoms start. When having the measles you could have fever up to 104 degrees F. The rash and fever will usually go away after a few days. If you have not been vaccinated and you go around someone who is infected with the measles you will mostly likely catch the measles.
People with measles are most contagious while they have fever. …show more content…
The flu causes a more serious illness than the common cold. A cough, runny nose, sore throat, or a stuffy nose are the first symptoms of the flu. While having the flu you could throw up or feel nausea. Children will most likely have these symptoms before an adult will.
It takes one to two weeks to recover from the flu. Some people will develop a more serious illness, and may even die. You are most likely to develop a serious illness as a very young child, when you are pregnant, or elderly, than a healthy child.
Influenza A and B can put you in the hospital or even cause death, but influenza C is different because it will cause a mild sickness or no symptoms at all. Type C does not cause the endemic that type A and B do.
Mumps will only happen once in a lifetime. To treat mumps get plenty of bed rest, take over counter painkiller, drink plenty of fluids, apply a cold or warm compress to your swollen glands to help reduce any pain, or eat food that do not require much chewing. People born in 1980 - 1990 are not immune to it are probably have not been