Assessment can be seen to affect the three different domains as put forward by Bloom, which are the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Cognitive domain in assessment is associated with the process of knowledge and understanding. While the affective domain applies to the characteristics such as attitude, motives, interests and other personality traits. As for the psychomotor domain in relation to assessment involves assessing the learners’ ability to use his or her own hands for example in handwriting, construction and projects
Continuous assessment is based on a radically different premise namely that the best and the fairest way to assess students’ performance is to assess each stage of courses as soon and after it has been completed as possible or in some cases while the work is actually being carried out according to Anthony (1996). Certainly the continuous assessment approach fits in well with three current trends in tertiary education namely the move to make assessment a more integral part learning process ( assessment for learning ) , the shift from assessment of ‘content’ to assessment of process as embodied incompetence based and vocational qualification based education and the increasing unitisation and modularization of coursers.
By definition continuous assessment is a regular evaluation of coursework done during the course, where the marks achieved count towards the final result which may or may not include an examination this is according to Gordon (1997). More so George (1996) defines continuous assessment as the daily
Bibliography: 1. Grange , L. (1998). Continuous Assessment An Introduction and Guidelines to Implementation. Cape Town; Credar Communications Eppindust. 2. Gronlund, N. (1985). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching 5th Edition. New York ; Macmillan Publisher 3 4. McCulloch, M. (1996) Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment. London; University of Edinburgh.