I avoid technical. I do not like to take things apart. Last Christmas we bought my son a car track that required building before he could use it. We did not put it together beforehand. The day after Christmas my husband had to work, so I was stuck putting the toy together …show more content…
I generally don't like to use confluence. But when I am around my mom I tend to use it. My mom is a very confluent person so when she talks she jumps from one topic to another. In order to keep up with her during a conversation, I start to talk in the same way. She will bring up a conversation and it will make me think of something I wanted to talk about and I will jump into a completely different topic.
Being aware of my learning patterns will help me use these learning patterns to my advantage and be a better learner. It can also help me in my personal relationships by being able to communicate more affectively with other people. If I understand how I learn and the kinds of learning patterns there are I may be able to recognize the pattern that person is using and adjust how I am communicating