Combining Forms:
Acous/o = Hearing
Aden/o = Gland
Andr/o = Male
Ather/o = Yellowish Plaque, Fatty Substance
Aur/o = Ear
Auricul/o = Ear
Blephar/o =Eyelid
Carcin/o = Cancerous, Cancer
Cardi/o = Heart
Cephal = Head
Chem/o =Chemical
Choledoch/o = Common Bile Duct
Coron/o = Heart
Cyan/o = Blue
Dacry/o = Tear
Dermat/o = Skin
Dipl/o = Double
Encephal/o = Brain
Enter/o = Intestines; Small Intestines
Gastr/o = Stomach
Glyc/o = Sugar
Gonad/o = Sex Gland
Gluc/o = Sugar
Gynec/o = Female
Hemat/o = Blood
Hepat/o = Liver
Hydr/o = Water
Immun/o = Immune
Labyrinth/o = Labyrinth
Lat/o = Milk
Lith/o = Stone
Medull/o = Inner Portion, Medulla Oblongata
Morph/o = Shape
Myring/o = Eardrum
Naphr/o = Kidney
Natr/o = Sodium
Neur/o = Nerve
Ocul/o = Eye
Opthalm/o = Eye
Ot/o = Ear
Path/o = Disease
Phac/o = Lens
Phot/o = Light
Pulmon/o = Lung
Pupill/o = Pupil
Py/o = Pus
Radicul/o = Nerve Root
Rect/o = Rectum
Retin/o = Retina
Rhin/o = Nose
Somat/o = Body
Thromb/o = Clot
Toxic/o = Poison
Tympan/o = Eardrum
Ur/o - Urine
Ven/o = Vein
An- or A- = Without
Ante- = Before, In front of
Anti- = Against
Dys- = Difficult, Painful
Endo- = Within, Inner
Epi- = Upon, Over
Eu- = Normal
Brady- = Slow
Hemi - = Half
Hyper- = Over, Above, More than Normal
Mono- = One
Neo- = New
Nulli- = None
Pan- = All
Peri- = Surrounding, Around
Poly- = Many
Post- = After
Pre- = Before, Forward, In Front of
Pseudo- = False
Retro- = Backward, Behind
Sub- = Below, Under
Trans- = Across, Through
Ultra- = Beyond, Excess
-algesia = pain, sensitivity
-algia = Pain
-ar = Pertaining to
-cele = Hernia, Protrusion
-centesis = Puncture to withdraw fluid
-cyte = Cell
-dipsia = Thirst
-dynia = Pain
-eal = Pertaining to
-ectomy = Surgical Removal, Resection
-esthesia = Feeling, Sensation
-gram = Record or Picture
-megaly = Enlargement, Large
-meter = Instrument to Measure
-metry = Process