I Learned the Structure and Function of Cells:
As the zygote divides, every cell it creates becomes a complex little factory that carries out these basic life functions. * Manufacture of proteins and lipids * Production and use of energy * Communication with other cells * Replication of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) * Reproduction of itself
I Learned the Four Primary Tissue Groups with their functions and locations: * Connective * Epithelial * Muscle * Nervous
I Learned Connective Tissues in the Knee Joint: * Bones * Cartilage * Ligaments * Tendons * Joint Capsule * Synovial membrane * Muscle Tissue * Nervous Tissue
I Learned the Organs and Organ Systems: * Integumentary * Skeletal * Muscular * Nervous * Endocrine * Cardiovascular * Lymphatic * Digestive * Respiratory * Urinary * Reproductive
In Chapter Four I Learned , The bones of the Skeletal System ,Diseases of Bones, The Different Bone Fractures, The Axial Skeleton, The Skull and Face, The Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb, Disorders of the Pelvic Girdle and much more.
Bones of the Skeletal System:
There are four components of the skeletal system