Chapter 1-Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Chapter Preview
1) List some difficulties a student may experience when studying the human body.
Some difficulties a student may experience when studying the human body are learning the medical terminology, memorization of all the parts of the body, body systems and how they function.
2) List the ways people learn.
The different ways people learn include visually, through reading/writing, by hearing/listening, or by doing things hands on. There are also people who are multimodal, which means they learn using a combination of these things.
3) List several aids for remembering information.
Aids for remembering information could include making and using flash cards, using mnemonic devices, or by taking notes/making diagrams.
4) What are some strategies you will use to be successful in this class?
Read all of the required chapters, take notes, participate and complete all assignments, and I will also probably make flash cards to help learn terminology and different systems.
5) Time management is especially important in this class. When will you schedule to work on your reading, assignments and labs each week? (Try not to wait until the end of the week when assignments will be due)
I will read in the mornings before work, and then after work I will skim over the chapter again and complete the assignments. I plan on doing this at the beginning of the week so I am not cutting it to close to the due date and to leave time for circumstances that could prevent me from getting things done in my scheduled time.
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
1) What factors probably stimulated an early interest in the human body?
People were probably concerned about injury/illness, aches/pains, bleeding, and why their bodies reacted the ways that they did to things.
2) What kinds of activities