• The muscular ring at the lower end of the stomach is the pyloric sphincter.
• The ascending colon extends from the cecum to the undersurface of the liver.
• The cecum is the first part of the large intestine
• Villi are tiny projections in the walls of the small intestine that absorb nutrients.
• The lower esophageal sphincter is called the cardiac sphincter.
• The combining form eti/o means: Cause
• The combining form gastr/o means: Stomach
• The combining form lith/o means: Stone
• Timothy suffered from recurring fever blisters around his mouth, known as herpetic stomatitis.
• Mr. Wayne is scheduled to have a visual examination of the distal end of his descending colon that leads into the rectum. This procedure is called a sigmoid/oscopy.
• Saliva is secreted from all of the following glands except the: Sebaceous
• The medical term for gallstones is: Calculi
• Excess glucose in the bloodstream is removed by the liver and stored as: Glycogen
• What is the term for a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax? Achalasia
• Most organs of the digestive tract are held in place by a stretchable membrane called the: Peritoneum
• If the cause of an illness or its treatment is unknown or not understood, it is called Idiopathic
• Mr. Raphael is admitted for a twisting of the intestines. What is the medical term for this condition? Volvulus
• Mr. Arturo has an inflammation of the liver that may be caused by the hepatitis A, B, or C virus.
• Mr. Gonzales' colonoscopy revealed several large benign polyps, which his physician removed in a polypectomy
• Mrs. Watkins is being treated for a duodenal ulcer. Her ulcer is located in the: First section of the small intestine
• The small, raised areas on top of the tongue containing taste buds are: Papillae
• The hard and soft of these form the roof of the mouth Palates
• Children have two tricuspids, also known as the: First molars