I am to be married soon. My parents are choosing the right suitor for me to spend the rest of my life with. It is my duty to marry whom they choose with no complaints otherwise I will be punished, flogged skin always attracts the flies in summer. I hope it will be someone worthy. I wish it could be a knight in shining armour come to whisk me away, but that possibility is extremely slight. The lord has to give his consent as a woman cannot marry without it.
Life in the middle ages was a hard life of routine that was determined by the seasons.
There's the vegetable garden to tend, clothing to wash, bread to bake for tomorrow, cloth to weave, and a house to keep clean.
I wear a scarf like a veil that goes over my head to help keep me warm. An apron covers my plain rough dress and is used especially when working to keep my underclothes clean. The colours of the materials I wear are a dull red, gray, or brown. Our Lord and his Lady wear much softer layers and kinds of clothes than me, I am almost too scared to handle my ladies muslin or silk as they are so soft and delicate- if I damaged them I could never afford to replace it. The brightest colors are reserved for our royalty such as a mustard yellow. The finest stale ma;e urine must be used to create such a beautiful colour. For more formal occasions, we wear cleaner, softer and prettier clothing made from a variety of material. My clothes are more economical because I have to work and my family cant afford material that had been refined.
Before dawn the fire has to be lit, so my sister and I go out to collect straw and timber to light the embers, to coax our dwindling fire back into a roaring flame. Our morning porridge is then heated over the flames and served with