a popular and influential theory the theory of relationship between society and technology
Just like these other deterministic theories, technological determinism seeks to explain social and historical phenomena in terms of one principal or determining factor. It is a doctrine of historical or causal primacy. The term 'technological determinism' was apparently coined by the American sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929) (Ellul 1964: xviii; Jones 1990: 210; see Veblen's 'The Engineers and the Price System').
that technology in turn has "effects" on societies that are inherent, rather than socially conditioned or produced because that society organizes itself to support and further develop a technology once it has been introduced.
Technological Determinism state that media technology shapes how we as individuals in a society think, feel, act, and how are society operates as we move from one technological age to another (Tribal- Literate- Print- Electronic).
Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that presumes that a society's technology driVes the development of the social structure and cultural values
Technological determinism - the view that technological innovation reshapes social life and drives social change technology determins how society functions rather than society determining how technology should be developed or used
Marshall mcluhan ' the edum is the message' - can be described as a technological determinist the technological medium it self is important cause the means of sending a message has social logic that then informs the way we think
the way we think, represent things and the way we perceive and extend our selves into the world is effected by the mediums that we use suggesting that the new ways in which we intereact within a culture come from a result of technological change
we are becoming global citezens due to the fact new technologies give us the ability to