To once and for all save Charles Wallace from IT, she proclaims her love for him which clears his mind and he is able to get away from IT’s power. “‘Meg you did it!’ Calvin shouted. ‘You saved Charles!’” (p201) By Meg doing this she felt happy and special, especially since she did something important by herself for once. Calvin, Father, and the Mrs W’s are all so proud of Meg since she was able to defeat IT by herself without someone there to hold her hand of give her guidence. Nonetheless, saving Charles Wallace gave Meg confidence to do more things independently and try to help more people instead of people helping
To once and for all save Charles Wallace from IT, she proclaims her love for him which clears his mind and he is able to get away from IT’s power. “‘Meg you did it!’ Calvin shouted. ‘You saved Charles!’” (p201) By Meg doing this she felt happy and special, especially since she did something important by herself for once. Calvin, Father, and the Mrs W’s are all so proud of Meg since she was able to defeat IT by herself without someone there to hold her hand of give her guidence. Nonetheless, saving Charles Wallace gave Meg confidence to do more things independently and try to help more people instead of people helping