The relationships between the above definitions can be more involved than that.
Some consider perspective to be a plan (Lapierre), others describe it as giving rise to plans.
Hedberg and Jonsson claim that strategies, by which they mean more or less well integrated sets of ideas and constructs are the causes the mold streams of decisions into patterns.
It is also described as the framework to determine the actions of the organization.
Honda’s strategy was not to go to America with the main intention of selling small family motorcycles at all – but once it was clear to Honda executives that they had wandered into such a lucrative strategic position, that presumably became their plan. In other words, their strategy emerged, step by step, but once recognized, was made deliberate.
We may still ask how that perspective arose in the first place. The answer seems to be that it did so in a similar way, through earlier experiences: the organization tried various things in its formative years and gradually consolidated a perspective around what worked.
Interacting with the world, helps people and organization to find their character through the use of their innate skills and natural propensities.
Once established, perspectives are difficult to change, as they can become subconscious in the minds of the organization’s members.
When that happens, perspective can come to look more like pattern than like plan – in other words, it can be found more in the consistency of behaviors than in the articulation of intentions.
If perspective is immutable then change in plan and position is difficult, unless compatible with the existing perspective. For example the case of Egg McMuffin – some proponents said it brought McDonald’s into a new market, the breakfast one, extending the use of its facilities. Opponents said that is nonsense, nothing changed but a few ingredients. Position changed; perspective remained the same this was the answer though.