* When stressed, breathing becomes quick, shallow, & irregular (F or F response) * Becomes habit for some people when stressed * Practicing Diaphragmatic Breathing * -5 minutes per day of conscious breathing for 3 weeks * -Hands Technique * -Book Technique
* The value of self awareness * Witnessing Stance AKA Self Awareness * Being able to stand apart from ourselves, to view ourselves, and exert control over our thoughts and emotions * Any situation that you face, you can be a witness to it (changing perspective). * -What we tell ourselves about a situation affects our attitude towards it and the meaning we give it. * -Changing perspective allows you to give situations new meanings, and react to them differently. * Stress Hardiness Attitudes * Attitudes that allow people to deal with stressors effectively * Control * Feel they control their lives, not the stressors * Feel that they have resources/options * Internal locus of control / Proactivity * Commitment * -Follow through with a belief of value & importance * -Stressors are viewed as potentially interesting & meaningful * Challenge * -View stressors as opportunities
* Acquiring Body Wisdom: Warrior Stance * Body wisdom – how the body affects your thoughts * “If you lack the virtue, act the virtue.” – W.S. * Warrior Stance * Peaceful individuals who fight their battles inside * Relaxed & balance exterior that allows excellent reaction times * Notice the body’s response to threat